Amazing tips, tools and information regarding natural nutrition allowing you the benefit of complete physical, mental and social wellness. Covering topics on everything naturally through healthy eating. Such topics include vitamins and minerals, causes of illness and disease, healthy eating, natural cleansing, juicing, hydrotherapy and natural cures.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Juicing for Health & Longevity - The Green Juice
Thanks to all who continue to read my blogs. I gladly welcome your comments, especially while going into the juicing portion of my blogs. I know what juicing has done for me and would like to hear how it has affected you.
Last time, we discussed hydrotherapy and the ability to easily set up a hydrotherapy spa at home. In previous blogs, we discussed vitamins an their various health and skin benefits. If you remember, one of my blogs in particular discussed alternative ways of getting those vitamins. Juicing is one of those alternative ways to get the vitamins your body needs the natural and healthy way. Juicing is a popular choice simply because its easy, tasty and takes less time to juice your vitamins than it does to prepare and eat them. In addition, you are not cooking out all the nutrients.
The first juice we are going to discuss is the green juice. I'm starting off with the green juice because for me, this was the juice that had the biggest impact on how I felt. It increased my energy level, cleansed my body, worked to minimize colds throughout the year and simply made me feel great. I was less fatigued and more productive. I even experienced significant weight loss.
What Is The Green Juice?
Green Juice is a juice made up of green leafy vegetables. It has healing properties that simply put, works. Its also called a chlorophyll drink. When I first heard of the green juice, because of my skeptic nature, I thought there was no way a vegetable juice with green leafy plants could do anything for me. But, the person who introduced it to me explained that when animals are sick, the first thing they do is eat grass. Animals eat grass because it has chlorophyll in it and it helps them heal.
Chlorophyllis are green plants grown in the earth and charged by the sun, which provides energy for plants to photosynthesize the materials needed for human growth like carbohydrates, protiens and fats. Chlorophyll detoxes and rejuvinates cells, tissues, blood, arteries and nerves.
What are the Benefits of the Green Juice (Chlorophyll Juice)?
The more we consume chlorophyll in the form of eating green leaves like salad and herbs in addition to drinking green vegetable juices and wheatgrass, the healthier our hair, bones and skin will be. In addition, it cleans our mind to promote peace and harmony. Once we clean our minds and body temples, the better we are able to deal with relationships with others, whether it be family, children, friends or spouses. And if the aforementioned information is not enough to convince you, simply think with common sense. During the creation of earth, the foods provided for us to eat were all fruits and vegetables that grew from nature. During that time, a person's lifespan was long and extended over several centuries. So, its only natural to believe that there must be some benefit to consuming vegetables and fruits. And, not only does the green drink make you feel better, detox you and repair you, it has a bulk load of vegetables that are still pure. Meaning we have not cooked all the nutrients out.
How Do I Get My Daily Dose of Chlorophyll?
One of the things I found out when I began juicing was that its easy to get overwhelmed or excited and wanting to try various things for various problems. But, I had to stop completely and let each thing work before incorporating other things into my diet. For instance, once I tried just drinking the green juice for two weeks straight, it was then that I could actually tell what the green juice did for me and how I benefited from it.
In addition to the benefits of feeling great, drinking my green juice actually allowed me to cut out two entire meals. The green juice with all the vegetables actually made up for the meals. The aspect of cutting out a couple of meals assisted in my weight loss. Within one week, I lost 7 pounds. And, because my energy level increased by the end of the first week, I actually fely motivated and energized enough to work out. By the end of the second week of me drinking my green juice, I lost 12 pounds and felt amazing.
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Making A Pure Green Drink
Of course the best vegetables to get are the organic vegetables. However, we all know that its not always that easy or cost effective. But, if you can get all the vegetables in organic form, that would be the best.
The vegetables you will need to make one green juice:
1/2 - 1 Bunch of Parsely
3 Sprigs of Watercress
3 Leaves of Kale
1/2 Cucumber
1 Carrot - this aids in the transitioning of juicing. The green drink is super strong. After a few times of drinking the green drink and once you get use to it, you may leave the carrot out so that you get the full effect of the green juice.
Supplies Required
1 Sharp Knife
1 Juice Extractor - A juice extractor helps you get the most juice vs. a plain juicer.
First start by washing your vegetables well. Carrots if using them should be scraped, getting rid of the the dirt and dead skin.
Turn on your juice extrator and place all the aforementioned green vegetables in the machine. You will see your green juice extract immediately. Once all the juice has extracted from all the vegetables into your cup, drink immediately. The longer a pure fresh juice sits, the less nutrients your body is getting.
Make this your first drink in the morning and then drink it again for an evening snack. What this does is give you the boost you need to get through the day, especially if you work. And, the evening drink allows you to not have to worry about juggling work and middle of the day items. Most people fail on their diets due to conflicting schedules in their lives. Drink you green drink for two weeks straight and allow yourself to self reflect on your physical and emotional feelings. You will feel a positive difference.
New Customers get $5 off your order of $30 or more or $10 off your order of $50 or more at! Offer ends 12.31.2010.
What Vitamin Properties are in the Green Juice?
As we mentioned previously, drinking vegetable juices and fruit juices allows you to get your daily dose of vitamins much easier than trying to eat fruits and vegetables. For the pure green drink shown above, here's a list of the vitamins found in each of the ingredients.
Parsely - Parsely is actually an herb. Its great for cleaning the liver. Parsley neutralizes toxins in your liver, inhibits abnormal cell growth, preventing tumors and cancers, and boosts the immune system. Parsely has vitamins C and A, chlorophyll, calcium, sodium, magnesium, and iron. It improves digestion, promotes urination and relieves mucous based conditions such as excess weight, swollen glands, and bladder and kidney conditions and infections. Parsely also fights those free radicals, promotes healthy lungs, bones and the heart.
Watercress- Watercress is actually a member of the cabbage family. Watercress is one of the most highly nutritious vegetables. It provides an excellent source of
vitamins B1, B2, B6, C, and E. Watercress also is a great source of fiber and iron. Watercress is another one of those vegetables that fights free radicals and is an antioxident.
Kale - Kale is one of those vegetables that goes unappreciated for their health and nutritional benefits. This is another antioxident vegetable and contains a wide variety of vitamins and minerals. Kale has a high natural source of manganese, iron,
copper, calcium, vitamin C, vitamin B1, B2, B6 and vitamin E. However, kale is best for its high content of Vitamin A. Although kale has only about 35 calories per serving, it carries 190% of your daily vitamin A requirements.
Cucumber - The cucumber belongs to the pumpkin and squash family. Some call it a vegetable and others call it a fruit. Whichever you prefer, it is still very beneficial to your green drink. Cucumbers provide a large variety of vitamins and minerals, including Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B9, Vitamin C, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, and Zinc. Cucumbers work well alone and with the other green juice ingredients. Cucumbers can heal the skin, provide relief from heartburn and has many more benefits. Be sure to juice your cucumber with the skin on so that you are getting all the nutritious benefits.
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This concludes our first segment on juicing. Be sure to join us tomorrow as we discuss the benefits of various carrot juices and their healing properties. Be sure to see our resources throughout the page on how to find some othe the items we talked about, including the best juice extractor at the best price.
As Always,
Blessings, Peace & Prosperity
Friday, October 29, 2010
Hydrotherapy to Restore & Purify Naturally
Thank you for those who joined me on my vitamin segments. I hope you found the information useful and enlightening. We are never too old to learn and during my research on vitamins, I too discovered additional things. As promised in my last blog, we are moving on from vitamins, after covering the basics to the feel good segment. We will start out with one of my favorites, hydrotherapy.
What is Hydrotherapy?
Hydrotherapy is defined as restoring and purifying yourself with the use of water. Hydrotherapy may be used as a form of detoxification, stress relief and mind restoration. Warm water soaks can be relaxing, allowing you to relieve yourself of stress. Salt baths can draw out toxins, stress and anxiety to promote a state of serenity. Have you ever taken a hot bath and simply soaked? Have you ever noticed what happens to you? You perspire or sweat. Perspiration is one of the bodies most natural ways to cleanse your body. One of the best ways to sweat out the toxins is through hydrotherapy. And, it can easily be done at home. People pay lots of going to a spa when they can create their own spa experience at home.
How to Create A Hydrotherapy Spa at Home?
Creating a hydrotherapy spa at home is simple, fun and rewarding. There are so many ways to create your at home spa, but I'm going to explain how I created mine, just to give you ideas and get you going. In addition, at the bottom of the blog, I will have resources on where you can find some of the items at the least expensive prices.
My hydrotherapy spa is in my own private bathroom. Its a do not enter zone for my daughters. They have their own bathroom to do with what they will. However, if you only have a single bathroom with children, its best to establish boundaries from the start. The first thing I did was to decorate my bathroom with meaning. I carefully chose my colors, lavendar and green. The reason I picked these colors is because green stands for energy and lavendar stands for royalty. And, because I'm always lacking energy, I felt like the green would be the best choice for restoration. Lavendar was chosen because I believe all women should feel like royalty.
So, I decided to get wall appliques in those colors. They were designed as lavendar flowers and green foilage or leaves. I placed them on the walls of my bathroom in an attractive dispay as well as on my white bathroom cabinets. Next, I cleaned and cleared my bathroom countertops after discovering that the less clutter you have, the less stress you feel. I then placed green and lavendar pillar candles on the counters. I then got a wicker basket and placed lavendar potpourri in it. The scent of lavendar is especially soothing after a hard day of work.
Finally, a nice bouquet of lavendar colored silk flowers and on the counter a small cd player. And in the counter drawers, I placed classical and smooth jazz music. The softer the music, the more soothing it is to your mind, allowing you to completely relax. I then got myself an oil burner and large bottles of pure, uncut lavendar and eucalyptus oils. Aromatherapy and hydrotherapy work wonders when used together. The shower curtains, the bathroom rugs, the towels and the soaps were all in accordance to my green and lavendar color scheme. You see, the decor and ambiance is equally as important as the physical act of the therapy because, when you feel like you are surrounded by beauty, your attitude becomes beautiful. Hydrotherapy is not only about the physical, but its about the mental temple as well.
How to Finally Decompress with Hydrotherapy
First, I start by running a tub full of hot water, as hot as I can stand. I make sure I have my smooth jazz softly playing and my candles lit. All the lights in the bathroom are turned off, allowing the room to fill with the soft light of the candles. I place a large bottle of water with lemon squeezed in it next to the tub. After the tub has filled with water, I then add a few drops of pure essential lavendar oil and a pound of dead sea salt or epsom salt. I soak in the tub for approximately 30 minutes with my eyes closed and my mind in deep relaxation mode. While soaking in the tub, I drink approximately a pint of of the lemon water to enhance the cleansing. Finally, after soaking, I begin a body massage from head to toe, allowing myself to mentally and physically release all negative situations from my body temple.
After I'm done with my relaxation techniques, I let the water out the tub. At this time, you will notice how much you sweated. This is a good thing because that means you released toxins from your body. Next, I turn on the shower, and wash using hot water, a little more lavendar oil and handmade lavendar soap. I tthen turn the water to a slightly cooler shower and rinse off, allowing my pores to gently close.
This exercise is best praticed at night, right before you go to bed because you will feel too relaxed to do anything else. It will also be one of the best night sleeps you ever experienced.
However, if you are one of those people who have a hard time waking up in the morning, try taking a shower using the pure essential eucalyptus oil. It will immediately awaken your senses and get you going. Always rinse with slightly cool water before heading out for the day. You want to make sure your pores are closed, not allowing the dirt and poisons from pollution to easily enter your body through your skin.
Again, thank you all for taking a moment to read my feel good blog. I hope it will inspire you all to feel your best. As promised, here are a few resources so that you can experience amazing hydrotherapy sessions right at home. But, we girls know that a trip to the spa is always great too. Become a member and save 10% on your order and enjoy exclusive benefits.
New customers - get $5 off $30 or $10 off $50 on your first order!
Until next time when we begin our juicing segment.
Blessings, Peace & Prosperity
Monday, October 25, 2010
Vitamin A Benefits Eyes & Skin What a Bargain
Thank you for those who read my last post on the B Vitamin family. I hope all the information assisted you. As we discussed in our last post, we decided to finish off our vitamin segment with Vitamin A. We had quite a journey discussing the benefits of some of the vitamins our bodies need to maintain optimal health. In our next feature, we like to call it our feel good section. The feel good section will discuss such topics as massage therapy, hydrotherapy and simple at home techniques you can do to lift you up. We hope you will all join us. So, let us get to the real deal; Vitamin A.
What are the Benefits of Vitamin A?
Vitamin A is known as Retinol. Sounds like something to do with our eyes since we all have eye retinas right? Absolutely ! Vitamin A is the vitamin that works to keep the retina operating well. The retina in our eyes is what adjusts the light and how we see when entering from outside to inside and vice verse. Vitamin A also helps to keep the skin and the eyes moist. Vitamin A is not a water soluble vitamin like the other vitamins we previously discussed. However, it is a fat soluble vitamin. What this means is that it stores in the fat tissues of the body for a few days or even up to six months. If too much fat soluble stores in the body, it can store into your liver and become unhealthy. So, because of this risk, it is best to get your Vitamin A from foods. This provides little risk if any of Vitamin A overdose.
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Which Foods are the A Foods?
Most Vitamin A foods are from animal products, however there are fresh fruits and vegetables that contain beta carotene. The beta carotene is received from a fruit or vegetable and then converts into Vitamin A. Here's a simple list of foods that are easy to obtain in your local grocery store or Farmer's Market.
Vitamin A foods include:
Beef liver
Egg yolk
Cheddar cheese
Fortified milk
Beta-carotene foods include:
Sweet potato
Spinach and collard greens
Vitamin A Deficiency or Overdose?
Vitamin A deficiency is rare. However, it is possible and can cause night blindness, eye inflammation, diarrhea and other problems. Too much Vitamin A can cause nausea, irritability and blurred vision but will be a very mild case. In addition, the palms of the hands and the bottoms of the feet can turn orange if a person has a high intake of Vitamin A. Vitamin A toxicity can cause growth retardation, hair loss and enlarged spleen and liver in its more severe form. Vitamin A overdose can also cause birth defects.
So, in closing, we can see that Vitamin A is best obtained by simply eating foods that contain Vitamin A or Beta Carotene. I can personally remember as a child going on a carrot stick kick. And, all the kids would give me their carrots at lunch time. I would eat each and every one because to the other children it was cool. And then, one day I went to the restroom and noticed that my urine was coming out orange. My mother immediately put a stop to the carrot eating escapade.
So, as we stated in our other posts, its better to be safe than sorry. If you feel like you are not getting enough Vitamin A, which is highly unlikely, contact your doctor and get tested for the deficiency. Do not try to self diagnose this vitamin deficiency because in this case less is better and more is harmful.
As always, we want to provide you with a few coupons and special offers to assist you on saving money while taking care of your health. We hope you enjoy.
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Thanks for joining us and check back tomorrow when we start our new feature of wellness and health care, entitled the Feel Good, Feel Great Segment.
As Always
Blessings, Peace & Prosperity
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Here We B Vitamin Again
Thank you to all who joined me as we discussed the benefits of Vitamins B1, B2, B3 & B5. We discussed the various natural nutritional sources for Vitamins B1, B2, B3 & B5 and the benefits. We learned that mostly all of the B Vitamins are super antioxidants that relieve our bodies from free radicals.
Today, we approach the final journey of the B Vitamin family by discussing Vitamins B, B9 and B12. First and foremost, let me start by saying that as we saw in previous blogs I posted, there are many types of Vitamin B's and they all have various nutritional and health functions. So, I think it only befitting that we first start by reintroducing to you the B Vitamin family.
Vitamin B1 - Also known as Thiamin
Vitamin B2 - Also known as Riboflavin
Vitamin B3 - Also known as Niacin
Vitamin B5 - Also known as Panthothenic Acid
Vitamin B6 - Also known as Pyridoxin
Vitamin B9 - Also known as Folic Acid
Vitamin B12 - Also known as Cobalamin
So, there you have it, the B Vitamin family. But, could you imagine having to take all of these as supplemental pills each and every day? That would take an eternity. And, what would happen if you simply avoided the B Vitamin family? After all, that list seems like a bit much doesn't it? Well, lets break it down and discuss what each one means to you and your health. We will discuss the importance, the benefits and nutritious natural ways to ensure you are getting all the B you need. So, let us continue the journey with Vitamin B6
The Benefits of B6 (Pyridoxin)
Vitamin B6 is a busy and equally important one. It works hard to ensure that your body is functioning properly. How does it work? Well, Vitamin B6 is a water soluble vitamin that has many functions in the over all health of a person's body. One of the primary functions is that it coordinates the bodies metabolic process. Vitamin B6functions as a co-enzyme and regulates more than 100 enzymatic reactions. In addition, there are many other functions of Vitamin B6. It keeps the nervous system functioning, regulates hormones and formulates red blood cells.
One of the major vitamin B6 benefits is that it breaks down complex nutrients like proteins, carbohydrates and fats into simpler forms, which can be easily absorbed by the body cells and tissues. In addition, Vitamin B6 strengthens the immune system, relieves water retention, regulates the blood pressure, prevents heart disease, treats premenstrual syndrome and yes, believe it or not, Vitamin B6 treats hair loss. Wow, this sounds like a super vitamin right? Well, essentially it is due to our bodies requirements and needs. However, we all know that too much of a good thing can be very hazardous.
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Vitamin B6 Deficiency
We found out that vitamin B6 is crucial for the metabolic processes of the body. A low intake of vitamin B6 for a long and extended period can cause various medical problems. Usually, deficiency of vitamin B6 occurs in individuals with a poor quality diet and those who are on specific medications. Also, those who consume excess amounts of alcohol may be at risk for the deficiency. Primarily certain medications and alcohol will not all the vitamin b6 to be properly absorbed by the body. And, if the body does not absorb the vitamin, the body becomes deficient of it. Anemia, skin problems, depression, mouth ulcers, confusion and even seizures are all signs of Vitamin B6 deficiency. But, like we know and as we discussed, it is always best to go to a doctor and get a blood test to make sure. Simply because many diseases can have many of the same symptoms.
Vitamin B6 and the Natural Nutrition
Vitamin B6 is found in many foods. We are always reading in the paper or online about various foods and their risks. The media is constantly filling us with information about what is good for us and what will kill us if we eat certain foods. However, the key to eating healthy is by eating in balanced moderation. So, here's a list of foods that will help you get your daily dose of Vitamin B6.
tomato juice
wheat bran
peanut butter
chicken breast
Of course this is not a complete list, but its a good start and the foods are easily available at your local grocery stores or farmer's market.
Benefits of Vitamin B9 (Folic Acid)
Vitamin B9 is essential for the metabolic processes in our body. Vitamin B9 is also important for the iron carrying component of the hemoglobin in the red blood cells. It is especially beneficial to pregnant women. During the pregnancy, the fetus tends to absorb more of the mother's folic acid, leaving the mother's body depleted. This is why it is super important that pregnant women receive good prenatal care. The first thing a prenatal doctor gives an expecting mother is folic acid. Its believed that folic acid can greatly reduce the chances of certain birth defects.
Vitamin B9 is also beneficial in reducing the risk of heart disease by reducing the levels of amino acid. And, carries these other great beneficial factors. It protects the body against certain forms of cancer and heart disease, it is used in the treatment of anemia, it is believed to be useful in preventing stroke and heart attacks, it helps with digestion and is also good for the nervous system. Among other things, Vitamin B9 helps to improve mental and emotional health.
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Vitamin B9 Deficiency
As usual, our body is like a machine and everything working together keeps our bodies at peak physical condition. But, when things in our bodies are off, the body gives us signs. So is the case with being Vitamin B9 deficient. Here's a brief list of the signs to watch for when our bodies are deficient of Vitamin B9. And, as we always suggest with each blog post, the only true way to know if your body is lacking a nutrient, is by going to a doctor and getting properly assessed.
Gastrointestinal problems
Mood swings
Anemia (A classic sign of anemia is the bodies inability to warm itself)
Natural Nutritional Vitamin B9
Thankfully, Vitamin B9 is found in many foods. We are always reading in the paper or online about various foods and their risks. The media is constantly filling us with information about what is good for us and what will kill us if we eat certain foods. However, the key to eating healthy is by eating in balanced moderation. So, here's a list of foods that will help you get your daily dose of Vitamin B9.
Turnip Greens
Collard Greens
Of course this is not a complete list, but its a good start and the foods are easily available at your local grocery stores or farmer's market.
Last but Not Least Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin)
Benefits of B12
Just like the rest of the B family Vitamins, B12 is equally as important and benefits our bodies well when we have enough of it. Vitamin B12 can dramatically increase our energy levels and lessen the risk of heart disease. In addition, Vitamin B12 can promote emotional and mental stability. B12 is a water-soluble vitamin required for normal cell activity and get this, DNA replication. Other great benefits of the vitamin B12 is that it prevents osteoporosis, strokes, heart disease and even Alzheimer's.
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Vitamin B12 Deficiency
Vitamin B12 deficiency can be recognized by various signs our body gives us, such as anemia, skin discoloration, a decrease in red blood cells, fatigue and a severe decrease in energy. As we mentioned before, the best way yo know if you are not getting enough B12 is by going to a doctor and getting tested. Of course, and this goes for all the other Vitamin deficiencies, if you believe you are missing nutrients by all the side effects we listed throughout of previous and current blog, you may use the information to discuss this with your doctor and it may provide assistance to the doctor for testing purposes. Personally, when I have symptoms or am not feeling well, I use the side effects to mention to my doctor possible things he may want to test me for. Its almost like an insurance plan because we all know that we can spend lots of money just getting tests run. But if a doctor has a general idea of what to test for based on your requests, it saves alot in the long run. In addition, it allows us to get to know our bodies and gives us the ability to read signs early on. Early detection in many cases can be life savers.
Vitamin B12 Natural Nutrition
One of the interesting things I found out about Vitamin B12 is that a lot of it is obtained through the ingestion of meat. But, remember its all about eating a balanced diet. So, here are some foods that are rich in Vitamin B12 that includes meat and non meat items, especially useful for those who do not eat meat.
Liver pate
Fatty Fish
Corned beef
Fortified Breakfast cereals
This concludes our Vitamin B family three part blog. I'd like to thank all those who stopped by and showed an interest for the past few days. I sincerely hope the information was beneficial and informative. When we return next week, we will focus on Vitamin A. However, we can not leave without giving you the resources you need in the most cost effective ways possible. If you are one of those people who requires supplements, we want you to be able to get them easily and affordably. So here are a few resources especially for you.
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And, for those who especially enjoy discovering nutritional benefits of healthy living, here are a few books for special reading. I personally read each of these and found them to open up an entire new way of living. Not only did a lot of my symptoms disappear, I gained more energy, suffered less from illnesses and learned life long lessons about my mind, body and spirit. So, for those who believe that their bodies and their homes are their temples, these are must have guides. I am absolutely positive that you will carry these books with you on a daily basis.
Also available for kindle readers.
Until Next Time
Blessings, Peace and Prosperity
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Introducing More Members of the B Vitamin Family
Thank you to all who joined me as we discussed the benefits of Vitamins B1 & B2. We discussed the various natural nutrional sources for Vitamins B1 & B2 and the benefits. We learned that these two Vitamins are super antioxidents that relieve our bodies from free radicals.
Today, we are looking into a few of the other B Vitamins. First and foremost, let me start by saying that there are many types of Vitamin B's and they all have various nutritional and health functions. So, I think it only befitting that we first start by introducing to you the B Vitamin family.
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Vitamin B1 - Also known as Thiamin
Vitamin B2 - Also known as Riboflavin
Vitamin B3 - Also known as Niacin
Vitamin B5 - Also known as Panthothenic Acid
Vitamin B6 - Also known as Pyridoxin
Vitamin B9 - Also known as Folic Acid
Vitamin B12 - Also known as Cobalamin
So, there you have it, the B Vitamin family. But, could you imagine having to take all of these as supplemental pills each and every day? That would take an eternity. And, what would happen if you simply avoided the B Vitamin family? Afterall, that list seems like a bit much doesn't it? Well, lets break it down and discuss what each one means to you and your health. We will discuss the importance, the benefits and nutritious natural ways to ensure you are getting all the B you need.
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The Benefits of B3 (Niacin)
Vitamin B3 is what we like to call a helper vitamin. It works with the other B Vitamins to energize the cells. It helps to regulate circulation, hormones, glucose and works with B2 and B6 to promote healthy skin. Vitamin B3 keeps the digestive system and the nervous system operating at peak performance when you have the proper amounts in your system at all times. Vitamin B3 is also useful in treating certain conditions such as PMS, especially since it helps to regulate hormones. There have also been proven links that B3 can prevent dizziness, headaches and circulation problems. In addition to those benefits already mentioned, vitamin B3 benefits also include: maintaining healthy skin, increasing circulation and help lower high blood pressure. The vitamin has also been known to boost enery levels. And, we know that Vitamin B3, known as Niacin can boost HDL, which is the good cholesterol.
Vitamin B3 Deficient?
Deficiencies can occur to the extreme with B3 and cause a fatal disease called Pellagra. Symptoms of deficiency include canker sores, dementia, diarrhea, and dizziness. Other symptoms include fatigue, halitosis-bad breath, headaches, and indigestion. Insomnia, pain in the extremities, reduced appetite, low blood sugar levels, muscle weakness, skin eruptions, and inflammation. So, you can see the importance of getting the proper amount of Vitamin B3.
People most at risk for being B3 deficient are those who consume alcohol in excess because the alcohol absorbs the niacin in the body. Also, vegetarians may be at risk for a B3 deficiency if they are not careful, making sure they have the proper balanced vegetarian diet.
We all know that too much of a good thing may be equally bad. So, if you feel that you are not getting enough Vitamin B3, it is important to let your doctor run tests and decide. Many people try to self diagnose which sometimes if not completely in tune with your body can be a harmful thing. Many side effects can be attributed to many various situations and only a trained professional can properly diagnose those symptoms.
Natural Nutritious Vitamin B3
Thankfully, Vitamin B3 is found in many foods. We are always reading in the paper or online about various foods and their risks. The media is constantly filling us with information about what is good for us and what will kill us if we eat certain foods. However, the key to eating healthy is by eating in balanced moderation. So, here's a list of foods that will help you get your daily dose of Vitamin B3.
Turnip Greens
Green Beans
Collard Greens
Chicken Breast
Summer Squash
Of course this is not a complete list, but its a good start and the foods are easily available at your local grocery stores or farmer's market.
Spend $10 or more at and get a bottle of Nature Made Chewable Vitamin D 400 IU Tablets (a $7.99 value)! Offer good while supplies last.
The Benefits of Vitamin B5 - Panthothenic Acid
B5 is very important for the metabolism and hormone balance. Its another one of those vitamins important for keeping healthy. Another great nbenefit of Vitamin B5 is that it keeps the skin and nervous system healthy. Vitamin B5 helps the body process carbohydrates, proteins and fats.
Vitamin B5 Deficiencies
The lack of Vitamin B5 may cause fatigue and affect your immune system making it more likey to catch infections. It is also possible to suffer from insomnia and frequent cramping. Vitamin B5 is very important for the proper functioning of the nerves in the body. But,the most important function for B5 is making sure the body turns food into useful energy.
Natutal Nutritional Vitamin B5
The best thing about Vitamin B5 is that it is found in almost all foods, although it may only be a small amount in some foods. However, its easy to obtain, decreasing the risk of B5 deficiency. However, be careful! Just because B5 is so easily available through most foods, the nutrient is easily lost during the cooking of foods. Especially the vegetables as we commonly over cook the vegetables. So,here's a simple and short list of some Vitamin B5 rich foods.
Split peas
Soya beans
Vitamin B5 Deficiency
Vitamin B5 is extremely rare in developed countries because its so readily available in a huge variety of foods. However, in cases where poor diet or health problems may be of concern, your doctor can run tests to decide if your are B5 deficient.
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Since our B family is such a big one, we decided that it best to break it down into blog parts. We want everyone to benefit from what we write and we certainly don't want to overload the reader. So, we will be back tomorrow at the same time with a recap of today's blog and the introduction of a few more B Vitamin family members. Until then, here are a few things we hope you will enjoy and benefit from.
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Until Tomorrow
Blessings, Peace & Prosperity
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