Saturday, October 16, 2010

Beautiful Skin with a Vitamin - E VitaminEmporium (, inc)

Thank you to all who joined me yesterday as we discussed the benefits of Vitamin C. We discussed the various natural nutrional sources for Vitamin C and the benefits. We learned that its a great source to promote healthy skin.

Today, we are looking into Vitamin E. Vitamin E is another great source for healthy skin and carries many other healthy benefits. I must admit that Vitamin E is in fact one of my favorite vitamins. Primarily for the health benefits but also the way in which we can receive it.

How We Benefit from Vitamin E

Vitamin E has exceptional health benefits and plays a key role in the mechanisms of our bodies. Its a popular antioxidant, meaning that it stops the free redicals in our bodies from destroying us. Its often called an old age fighter. Vitamin E has been linked to the prevention of cancer, heart disease and alzheimers. In addition, Vitamin E is great for the skin and for vision. It's also like a booster for other vitamins, meaning that it helps the other vitamins work in your body to do what they are suppose to, especially Vitamin A.

So What Does Vitamin E do Again?
1. Speeds up wellness
2. Cleans the Arteries
3. Improves Memory
4. Rejuvenates the Brain

Vitamin E and Beautiful Skin

As mentioned earlier, one of my favorite Vitamins in the E vitamin. That is because it carries so many skin care benefits. We know the in most cases, people perceive us based on their first appearance of us. And, Vitamin E is the leader when it comes to ensuring that your skin stays healthy and glowing. And, what a suprise, Vitamin E is often the main ingredient in skin creams. This vitamin acts as a shield against pollution and ultraviolet rays and fights old age simply by applying the Vitamin E oil to your skin. Many doctors use medications infused with the oil of Vitamin E to treat skin type diseases such as inflammations, eczema and psoriasis.

So, How Do We Get Some of this Magical Vitamin E?

Of course we all know the answer to the aforementioned question. The best way to get Vitamin E is naturally through our diet. However, as we mentioned in our Vitamin C blog, there may be the need for supplements if your doctor and you decide that you are severely lacking. And, another sensational way to get Vitamin E, specifically for the skin is to use a pure Vitamin E oil and apply topically. Notice, the key word is "PURE". Personally, the approach I like for myself is to eat foods high in Vitamin E and apply the Vitamin E pure oil to my skin. It makes me feel as if I'm doing double duty combat to fight those free radicals and to keep my skin pristine.

Spend $10 or more at and get a bottle of Nature Made Chewable Vitamin D 400 IU Tablets (a $7.99 value)! Offer good while supplies last.

Vitamin E Nutritious Foods

Basically, we learned that Vitamin E is another one of those great antioxident vitamins. Well, hurray for that. This means that basically any food high in antioxidents is going to give you that Vitamin E. So, if you read my Vitamin C blog yesterday, then you will notice that all the foods listed there, both vegetables and fruits are on the high antioxident list. However, here is what the USDA suggests as Vitamin E food choices. Keep in mind, most fruits are high in Vitamin A, but the fruits listed here do have a significant amount of Vitamin E.


Turnip Greens
Beet Greens
Dandelion Greens
Sweet Potatoes
Peppers, sweet, red, raw



Keep in mind, these are not complete lists, but they are for you to use as a guide when going shopping. In addition, these foods are easily accessible in common grocery stores.

How Do You Know If You Are Vitamin E Deficient?

Many people ask how they can tell if they are deficient in Vitamin E. The body is a powerful indicator we often ignore. First and foremost, we must learn to listen to our bodies because our bodies do give us signs. Here are a few signs that you are lacking Vitamin E.

1. Not eating enough fresh fruits and vegetables
2. Feeling tired, weak, and irritable
3. Inability to fight off infections (lacking antioxidents)
4. Excessive dry skin
5. Excessive dry hair
6. Anemia
4. Diagnosis through a blood test

Additional Information & Resources

In this section, we are going to provide you with additional information and resources. Our intent is to help you stay healthy at the most cost effective way possible. So, the resources we provide will have links to many products that are being offered for deeply discounted prices. Some of them are even free. But, be assured, we will only provide you with well researched information and resources.

A great way to get those Vitamins you need is through juicing. Its one of my favorite ways. So, if you need more Vitamin E, then try this little juice tip:

A Pure Green Drink
1 Bunch of Parsley
3 Leaves of Kale
1/2 of a Cucumber carries Juices and Organic Juices at Low Prices

Wash all veggies well and throw them into your juicer. Not only are you getting your Vitamin E, but you are getting a little picker upper.

And, here are some really great money saving links to get you started on your path to wellness without breaking the bank.

New Customers get $5 off your order of $30 or more or $10 off your order of $50 or more at! Offer ends 12.31.2010.

Get 20% off your order! Offer ends 10.31.2010.

Get 20% off your order! Offer ends 10.31.2010.

We hope you enjoyed and benefited from our Vitamin E special. In the meantime, we'd like to suggest a wonderful book called, Heal Thyself for Health & Longevity. Just click on the picture of the book to gain access.

We invite you all to come back, as we continue on our journey to better health. Tomorrow, we will discuss Vitamins B. The B Vitamins are like soldiers. They work as a team.

Until Then
Blessings, Peace & Prosperity

P.S. You know we could not just end it without giving you a little extra in savings

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