Sunday, November 14, 2010

Complete Physical, Mental & Social Well Being - Set Positive & Attainable Goals

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Welcome Back and Thank you for Reading. In my previous blogs, we have covered many topics that can lead to better physical health and mental health. In addition to a positive mental health, our skin seems to radiate when we are in a total and complete healthy state. As we continue our focus on mental well-being, today we will discuss the benefits of setting positive goals. Setting positive goals is included in the list of positive mental health steps. Here's a list of those 7 steps:

1. Become an optimist - Instead of thinking the worst of everything,try finding the good in all things.

2. Become aware of self talk

3. Ask better questions

4. Employ positive self affirmations

5. Set positive goals

6. Practice positive visualizations

7. Laugh more

Moving ahead we are now ready to discuss the fifth step. Step 5 is to set attainable and positive goals for yourself. This is one of the most difficult and disappointing steps if not done properly. Often people first start out energized and excited by setting their goals. Many times people take that excitement and set their goals so high, they can't reach them. In turn, this leads to negative mental health because the inability to reach a goal often leads to depression. Thus, the key is to know yourself, your limits and know what is important to you.

Learning to set positive goals is another powerful method for building a positive attitude and raising self esteem. Goals may be used to create a success cycle. When you achieve your goals, you feel better about yourself and the better you feel about yourself, the more likely you are to achieve new goals. It is a practiced cycle.

One of the ways that helped me turn my goals into positive goals was to set a goal that I knew I could reach, but still needed to work at just as hard. That goal was a diet. Often my diets failed because I looked at the big picture or the total of weight I wanted to lose. However, once I took that big goal of losing weight and breaking it down, I was much for successful. For example, instead of telling myself I needed to lose 80 pounds, I scaled it down and told myself I needed to lose 5 lbs in a two week period. This allowed me to concentrate in smaller increments andfinally enabled me to reach my goal. After the first 5 lbs was lost, it fueled my mind in a positive direction because I had success. The next goal was of course to lose another 5 lbs and it happened. Until one day, all 80 pounds were gone.

Here are a few tips for setting positive goals:

State the goal in positive terms and do not use negative words such as can't, no, not

Make your goal attainable and realistic

Be specific about your goals. Write it down, plan it out step by step and execute it following your road map.

State your goal in the present tense and not the future tense so that you program yourself to attain your goal.

Just like anything else, goals all start with one step and then are followed by many other smaller steps. Taking one step at a time will help you get there in a healthy and positive way without deviation.

Be sure to tune in next time when we discuss the sixth step of practicing positive visualizations. As always, a few resources, links and banners have been provided to get you on your way. Feel free to try any of them by simply clicking on them. Or, you may always go to .

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Until Next Time
Blessings, Peace & Prosperity

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