Friday, November 5, 2010

Complete Physical, Mental & Social Well Being - Optimism or Pessimism

Thanks to all who continue to read. Thus far, we have traveled quite far on our path to feeling good. We blogged about basic vitamins, hydrotherapy and juicing. But, that is not all there is to feeling and looking our best. Today, we start off with a new topic regarding the four corner stones of good health. Its not enough to simply exist, but we want to exist at our best. And, that starts with good mental, physical and social health.

Our first topic of the corner stones to good health will guide us to a discussion on mental health. Recently, I went to the Social Security office to check on my employment records. I left there feeling utterly disturbed after speaking with a few people during our long wait. Most people were there regarding their SSI benefits. SSI benefits are for people who are disabled but have never really worked enough to pay into their social security fund. Basically, its a benefit supported by tax dollars.

After speaking with quite a few people and listening to their problems and complaints, I asked many of them why they were receiving SSI. Approximately 90% of those people informed me that they suffer from some form of mental health illness. There seemed to be a high trend of severe bipolar disorders, psycosis and other mental health illnesses. This is why I felt it important to start of with mental health. Its costing our nation billions of dollars each and every year. And, it is a very sad situation to be a nation full of so many mentally unhealthy people.

Another thing that struck me as kind of odd was the newest mental health issue called bipolar. It was as if people at that office were wearing it as a badge of honor. Many of them often told me gladly that they are bipolar. Now, I'm not sure if for many of these people these are their scare tactics or just a form of self protection, but it just did not seem like something to be too happy about. But then again, if you are getting a free check for a new disease that no one seems to know too much about, that would be cause to be happy.

So, going into this blog, we start of with mental health and stability. A positive mental attitude is the real foundation for optimal health. As humans we have a drive to be the best that we can be. Achieving mental stability begins by taking responsibility for your own positive mental state, your life, your current situation and your health. What this means is that nobody but you can make you happy. Not a doctor, not a drug. Of course, these may be used as tools to teach you, but its all up to you in the end.

There are seven steps to a positive mental attitude:

1. Become an optimist - Instead of thinking the worst of everything, try finding the good in all things.

2. Become aware of self talk

3. Ask better questions

4. Employ positive self affirmations

5. Set positive goals

6. Practice positive visualizations

7. Laugh more

Are you an optimist?

The first step in developing a positive attitude is by becoming an optimist rather than a pessimist. Being an optimist can help prevent diseases, can help the healing process progress much faster and have a healthier outlook on life in general. So, how do you know whether you are an optimist or pessimist? A small and immediate test you can do to figure this out is by asking yourself honestly.

1. Do you accept responsibility for your own mistakes or transfer the blame?
2. Do you doubt most things?
3. Do you look at the view point of others and try to understand their situations?
4. Do you think immediately that something will not work?
5. Do you uplift others in their thoughts and ideas?

By answering these few questions, you can get a good idea of whether you are optimistic or a pessimist. But, there is an in depth test that I found very interesting, detailed and that actually led to a self knowing. I actually found this test in a book called Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine. The test breaks it down by asking several questions, then goes even further when scoring by letting you know whether you are a temporary or permanent optimist or e temporary or permanent pessimist. I suggest it to everyone who is interested in bettering their health because good health is also about knowing yourself in depth. Many of us do not know who we are because we never think deeply or ask ourselves questions about ourselves that require much thought.

So, I encourage everyone to stop thinking about others for a moment and concentrate on yourselves. We owe it to our bodies and minds to be the best that we can be. We owe it to ourselves to know ourselves better than any other person should know us. And, if you think about it, that is one of the best things you can do in a relationship. If you allow someone else to know you better than you know yourself, you have given that person control over you.

Hopefully, you all enjoyed this session of my blog. Please join me tomorrow when I move on to the 2nd of the 7 steps of positive mental health called Self Talk. By breaking it down into the steps like this, we all have time to absorb and practice what we read. So, go ahead, get your optimism on, it takes practice to change a learned behavior.

As Always,

Blessings, Peace & Prosperity

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